Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

American Idol season 11 is... a man

    I can say, this is sucks.... Not because Phillips(which i love) won, but because the winner is once again a man. And even the perfect dream idol, Jessica can't make it. I mean it's like an indicator for the whole season later, we won't find the female winner except if all the male contestants are sucks. I mean face it, Jessica have a whole package, the best singer ever in idol, she dance, her looks(as far i see), attitude, she want to be it since she was 6 and more. We can say that Jessica is the best female contestant we can imagine on idol, and i can't imagine if we could find a better person who deserve to win(as a female) on AI.
    Well i'm right as i predicted that Phillips or Skylar will be the one will win it from early season. But even i like Phillips originality, and quirky attitude. inside my heart i'm rooting for Jessica better as we seen her performance on AI this season, and it won't happen, and i'm very sad about that she have been defeated by Phil(which i root too).
     It's make sense and we could see what makes Jessica lose. It's because her yesterday performance which is ..."nyehh". I mean we saw the best of Jessica but not last night, i don't know who picked her song but she have more than "I've got nothing" and she really defeated on 3rd round(winner song) . So it make sense if Phil have a stronger performance and better song(i love it). And then on grand finale we saw the best of Jessica singing "I will always love you" by Whitney Houston which is her best performance + Goosebumps, which i wish she sang it at performance before voting.
    Even tho i still believe at runner up always more succesful than winner, but i really want to see Jessica who break the record straight. But it won't happen. And we actually already have a winner like(or at least same charisma, but better and more fun version) as Phil, which is Lee on season9. So, I really want to see female winner please!

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Jessica Sanchez

Guess who've been voted off at top 7 American Idol. It's Jessica Sanchez. That's very shocking or did it? Jessica is the most consistent performer on AI11 beside Joshua Ledet. And she always makes her voice seems effortless. She got a right attitude and massive talent for her age. And she should be win this competition i guess. However, this is American Idol. Some "twist" maybe made inside the production create a drama as the elimination of the most talented singer Jessica Sanchez on top7. I personally think this isn't right and judges saves reaction walk across the stage is overwhelmed and looks like it's been practiced. Maybe they show it to tell everyone to seriously vote for their favorites, because even the most awesome performance is not guaranteed to make contestants safe and this one is example.
Now. let's talk about performances, Jessica's performance last night of stuttering by Jazmine Sullivan is flawless and of course we might think she would not going home after we watch Holly and Philips performances which are lower than other contestant. And her studio version of Stuttering is catapulting at 4th in iTunes after her idol performance (How amazing is that).
However how amazing is Jessica's performance i still don't think she would win this competition. Again i'll tell this is American Idol, and what did you expect from no.1 racist country on universe? It wasn't Fillipino/Cambodian/Latina(I don't know her race exactly) girl. And it shows at comments on the internet, which much people doesn't rooting for her just because she's a minority.
I still think she's deserve to win, but i don't believe she would win it. But even thou she won't win if she determine to become a star(her mother teach her to be it right) i think she would be great in music industry without winning title.

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

American Idol 2012

Well it's idol season again and we already have our top 13. It's sad that Hallie Day and Brielle Von Hugen Won't make it to top 13. I just love Hallie since her first performance in Pittsburgh she has a strong voice kinda Beyonce thing, but it went really downward at Top24(Buble never gonna be a best song i guess) and she also overshadowed by many contestant. And even tho i love Brielle blues style, everybody know her last chance performance of Adele "Someone Like You" is herrendous.
Well then we have our top 13 now, once again, it's really difficcult because all of them has a different star quality. it's my prediction about who gonna left each week.

week1: Shannon Magrane; I think she will be better to be a model than idol. I mean she's beautiful and really tall but i doesn't find a whole package is lovable.
week2: Erika Van Pelt; Hmm... she has a strong voice and personality but somehow a singing DJ doesn't too attractive.
week3: Colton Dixon; I mean why is he here? He don't want to audition and i think this just too far from expectations for any people who don't tend to audition.
week4: Holly Cavanagh; I love her performance of "Reflection" She showed a lot of skills. But i find her personality will be boring and if she continue her peagent like quality she'll end too short like Pia Toscano last year.
week5: Jermaine Jones; He's very unique will he be another Ruben Studdard? I don't think so.
week6: Deandre Brackensick; His top24 performance is flawless i love it, but when people find that he doesn't make it people choice. You know something is wrong with his quality.
week7: Heejun Han; From his first audition i tought he could be a first asian American Idol. But, yeah people find it loveable but joker need to be serious if he really try to win.
week8: Jeremy Rosado; Beautiful voice, but his case is likes Deandre i guess.
week9: Jessica Sanchez; She has a most beautiful voice ever heard in idol i guess. But will she be first asian American idol? I don't even think america rooting for a girl
week10: Elise Testone; I love her, she has it all, her voice is awesome but i think America more like country music than blues. that what make me unsure is she the winner even tho she has it all.
week11: Joshua Ledet; hmm... Church singer... Jacob Lusk

So i guess it between Skylar Laine and Philip Philips. I love both of them but i rooting for woman(please!) even tho i don't like country music and i find Philips more lovable.